Saturday, 19 November 2011

Solar System and its Eight Planets

Our solar system comprises the sun and eight known planets which orbit around it.
The solar system also comprises of :
# The natural satellites accompanying the planets.
# Several thousand minor planets called asteroids.
# A large number of comets.

The Planets :

The bodies revolving around the sun but at the same time revolving around its own axis is called planets.
There are eight known planets

Posted by : Vishal.Kalgutkar

Mercury : First Planet in Solar System

Mercury : It is the planet closest to the sun. It rotates on its own axis in 58.65 days and takes 88 days to complete one revolution around the sun. Thus, it is called the fastest planet in our solar system.

Posted by : Vishal.Kalgutkar

Venus: Second Planet in Solar System

Venus : It is the brightest object in the sky after sun and the moon. It is also the hottest planet in our solar system .It rotates backwards on its own axis.

Posted by : Vishal.Kalgutkar

Earth : Third Planet of Solar System

Earth : The earth is in the third position from the sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system. The earth is a ball flattened at the pole with slight bulge at the centre (equator). The rotation of earth at high speed has caused its mass to bulge at the equator . The earth is made up of number of concentric layers of material.


The earth has four distinct spheres :

Lithosphere : Top crust which include land surface and ocean floor.
Hydrosphere :   Water surface which includes oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.
Atmosphere : The cover of air that envelops the earth’s surface.
Biosphere : The Region where life exists.

Posted by : Vishal.Kalgutkar

Mars : Fourth Planet in Solar System

Mars : It is the fourth planet in the solar system.  It is also know as red planet. Due to its similarities with earth, astronomer has been speculating existence of life on Mar.

Posted by : Vishal.Kalgutkar

Jupiter : Fifth planet in Solar system

Jupiter : Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 11 times the diameter of the earth. It has 63 satellites.

Posted by : Vishal.Kalgutkar